Getting Back In The Saddle Effortlessly (or not so in my case)

May 19, 2023

As I appear to be getting back into the saddle of 'helping' others in a more professional, albeit changing capacity (more on that coming soon), I have experienced some interesting things coming up for me.

When I used to make videos I did so with very little thinking. I would just hit record and share what I felt moved to - it was an effortless creative process. When it comes to the videos I've started making more recently it has NOT been like that, quite different in fact.

I thought I'd settled into the identity of someone who didn't do this anymore - turns out that's not the case. As that relatively new identity has quickly been challenged I've had some real thinking and discomfort come up as I start to do this again.

Perhaps you've got a similar situation? Where you want to get back to doing something you used to? Or maybe there's some part of you that you're holding back? Or perhaps something you know to do but are afraid to do?

What is going on during these experiences? What is holding us back from shining brightly? How do we move beyond limiting identities which often block us from following our knowing?

Click above to watch the video.

Also, if you resonated with either of the videos I sent in my mailer a week or so ago (the ones I didn't make) this might be particularly resonant for you.

Love John


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