How To Be Less Stressed And More Playful With Your Goals Apr 10, 2024

Do you ever find working towards your goals stressful?

Why is that?

And how do we reconcile the pursuit of goals when so many spiritual traditions point us to the fact that desire is what makes us suffer?

Is there a way to enjoy making our goals happen without all the burden and suffering?


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How To Stay On Track When Creating New Outcomes Mar 30, 2024

It seems to me that the outcomes we are creating in our life right now are a direct by-product of our level of consciousness and how we currently see ourselves and the world.

To create something new, we have to become anew. We have to alter the way we see things and nurture ourselves into a new...

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Sleep Or Insomnia Problems? Here's Some Thoughts That Might Help. Mar 23, 2024

I know many are having sleep problems at the moment. We are in particularly intense energies and as our bodies integrate these energies they are affecting the sleep patterns for many of us, which can be quite concerning.

For years I worked with clients with Chronic Fatigue. You would think that...

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Can Two Things Be True At The Same Time In The Same Situation? (Real Life Example)... Mar 17, 2024

This is a follow on from my last video (How To Find Your Way Through Contradictory Viewpoints:

In this video I wanted to share a recent example of finding myself going back to meditation - a practice that for me had largely fallen away after I learned about the 3...

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How To Find Your Way Through Contradictory Teachings and Viewpoints Mar 16, 2024

Have you ever worked with a coach or mentor, or listened to a spiritual teacher, and found them sharing information that seems to contradict at times?

I know I've not only experienced being on the receiving end of this, but as coach and teacher I have also shared information that could be seen to...

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Feeling conflicted, lost or confused? This might help... Feb 24, 2024

When trying to create success it's tempting to look towards other people's journey's and how they created the outcomes that we want.

But if you listen to enough stories, you will notice that often they conflict in their advice and this can cause us stress, confusion and fear.

How can we...

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How I deal with Catastrophic Thoughts (the possible gift they are offering)... Feb 17, 2024

Do you ever experience catastrophic thoughts that become intrusive from time to time? Perhaps something has happened to you recently and you keep assuming the worst and are trying to fight those thoughts and make them go away (with little success)?

Why does this happen and do we need to do...

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How To Open Up to Possibility And Stay On The Highest Timeline Jan 28, 2024

What really limits the potential for what we can create?

How can we tune into realities where the seemingly im-possible can become more possible, especially when we are up against it or feel stuck?

Some reflections in this video. Hope you find it helpful.

With love as always, John x

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The Deletion... Jan 12, 2024


Four years ago I ran a coaching program called Into the...

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The Antidote To Disagreements In Relationships Aug 09, 2023

Disagreements - no matter what they are going to arise in relationships.

We all live in different perceptions of reality and what we believe we need to be happy and at peace. It's inevitable that these perceptions are going to clash at times.

But do we have to resolve these disagreements? Maybe...

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The Transformative Power Of Your Presence Jul 05, 2023

A short video where I reflect on one of my recent shares about the extent to which our facts, figures and insights are what really impact people or whether there's a more important ingredient that is needed first (and which might actually negate the need for facts and figures)!!

If you haven't...

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Feeling Unmotivated? Here's Some Thoughts About What Might Be Going On. Jun 30, 2023

I've had a lot of people tell me that they don't feel motivated lately. In this video I share some thoughts about why we might experience this and whether it's actually a problem that needs to be fixed.

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